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Protection for Refugees and Asylees in The United States

5 September 2009 25 Comments

Home of the Free and the Brave

Home of the Free and the Brave

Persons who seek asylum from the USA based on fear of persecution in their home country must file for asylum within one year of arrival in the USA.  Persons who have been granted status as Refugees and Asylees have one year from entry to the USA to apply for permanent residence in the USA.  Why are asylees and refugees permitted to adjust to U.S. lawful permanent resident status?  Shouldn’t they have to return to their home country once country conditions have changed?

The United States is a country that has welcomed those fleeing persecution since the time of the Puritans.  It is a proud American heritage.  It is a heritage grounded in heart.  Throughout the world, people may disagree with the government actions of America, and may even view us as “cowboys”- but even the most bitter recognize and appreciate that Americans have a heart.  A terrorist in Iraq once commented that he saw a sign set by the Americans that gave him pause:  It said, “We are building, you are destroying.”  The American heart for “rightness” is a great part of our strength as a nation.  It would not be unreasonable to provide refuge to asylees until the danger is over, and then to send them home.  But the Americans who cumulatively are America generally strive to do more:  to “do unto others as they would have done to them”- regardless of religious background.  This active compassion is why we can live side by side in peace and fraternity− Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, or other.  Black, White, Red, Brown, Mixed or other.   It is why we can as a nation model peace and the positive impacts of democracy on individual lives.

No, I do not think it would be unfair or morally wrong to provide temporary refuge and then send refugees/asylees home.   The belief that we have a responsibility for helping our brothers and sisters during difficult times is universal for civilized society.”  We could meet that responsibility by providing temporary refuge.  But we Americans are better than fair.  We are compassionate.   And the generosity of extending not just temporary refuge, but hope and opportunity for a full new life is returned to America moreover, with appreciation and loyalty, with eyes of insight into sources of discord and intolerance, and with infusion of the beautiful cultural differences that create a strong, intelligent, and heart-filled nation.

What is important is that as American diversity grows, we retain our initial grounding in democracy, compassion, courage, and perseverance for continuous improvement.  With respect to immigration law, this means leaving room for human discretion on a case by case basis, while placing controls to ensure that that discretion is not unfairly wielded.  For the refugee/asylee, it means providing welcome to a permanent home in our great land of opportunity.


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  • Cornelius said:

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